Observa el proceso y analiza los casos que ha resuelto el ingeniero especialista en investigación forense Diego Veintimilla


Here you can find some information about my research for the case that I have.


Ballistics is the area of Forensic Science that deals with firearms; how they are used, why they are used and why they are used frequently in the practice of murder.
The field of ballistics is able to identify rifling patterns, marks made by using suppressors (silencers), shell casings, powder burn and many other different areas relating to the use of firearms and the evidence they leave behind.

What many people do not realise is that when a person is shot the wound and the condition of the victim can tell a lot about the nature of the weapon that has been used. Indeed if the weapon has been left at the scene of the crime - which sometimes happens when the perpetrator panics - the weapon itself can go a long way to providing valuable information as to the kind of person who has committed the offence.

Bullets contain a mixture of gunpowder and cordite and these leave burn marks on the skin of the individual either wounded or killed, they also leave a fine residue on the fingers and hands of the individual firing the gun. These burn marks can signify closeness of the victim to the perpetrator, kind of weapon and also if the weapon has had any modifications made to it. Some weapons have been disarmed by having the firing pins and mechanisms removed but there are individuals who can 'reactivate' these weapons for use again.
Also, each weapon's barrel contains small ligatures and grooves, which, when a bullet is fired from them, make marks on the shell casing, which can be used as a means of identifying the make and model of gun if these shell casings are found at the scene.
It is also worth noting that an automatic - or semi automatic weapon - will expel shell casings as the weapon fires a round whereas a revolver will fire the round but retain the shell casing within the barrel.

Indeed most ballistics experts will be able to tell you the particular weapon simply by the sound of it being fired. They will also be able to carry out distance and depth tests which include firing rounds of ammunition into water, sand and other substances to determine how close a person would have to be to receive a life threatening wound from a gun.
Ballistics is a very important part of the world of Forensic Science and much of its evidence is used in criminal proceedings. In some cases the use of ballistics research can prove a link between many different crimes carried out over a lengthy period of time. This is also an important function of the ballistics team as many weapons are passed and sold on between criminals during their life cycle.



A melee weapon is any manner of weapon used in hand-to-hand combat. The term Melee originates in the 1640s from the French word mêlée, which refers to hand-to-hand combat, a close quarters battle, a brawl, a confused fight, etc.[1][2][3]  Melee weapons can be broadly divided into three categories:  - Pointed weapons, which cover spears and almost all polearms. Such weapons are thrust in battle to gain a ranged advantage, as well as maintain a high rate of attack. Certain variants may also hook at enemies to disrupt and disarm them, or pull them from atop horses.  - Edged weapons, which cover swords, axes and knives. These central and prominent types of weapons are used to hack, slash and (depending on weapon and situation) thrust, stab and draw, generally quick or convenient actions that are highly effective against soft tissues.  - Blunt or weighted weapons, which cover clubs, maces, hammers, staves, and flails. These weapons sacrifice finesse for ease of use, and can deal powerful damage to rupture armour and break bones.  Many weapons fit into multiple categories, or fit in between them; many polearms such as halberds, lucerne hammers and guisarmes add edged and blunt methods of attack to a spear base, and various hooked weapons such as billhooks, fauchard, falxes and bec de corbin evade easy classification. Weapons not intended for combat such as whips don't fall into any of the three categories.

INVESTIGATION: Crime Investigation Process

Position: engineer

Forensic Science technology is one of the most important ways to solve a case, this technology is in charge to applied a legal evidence that is from some analytical and scientific technical's specialized with informatics structures.

Mainly this type of forensic science is use to detect the information that is in the web, for this the application are diversity but principally is to collect and analyze digital evidence, this information is for document evidence to draw up a clear opinion.

For use this in an investigations necessary to clear information but it depends where are the evidence and if they can use for analyze and collect data. Specifically the technology is use for some cases related with internet and virtual information to solve cases.


INVESTIGATION: Electric energy 

Durante las sesiones durante el proyecto de criminalistica, pudimos observar varios casos de asesinatos en los cuales la electricidad jugaba un rol importante, ya sea como causa principal y directa de muerte o como un factor determinante a la hora de esclarecer los hechos. Observamos varios casos e investigamos el efecto de la electricidad en el cuerpo humano, la corriente necesaria para inhibir las funciones vitales e igualmente pasos de tortura y relación con la intensidad de corriente.
Igualmente pudimos observar el funcionamiento y mecanismo que emplea la silla eléctrica, la cual fue utilizada durante el entorno social del siglo XX, acabando con la vida de varios criminales, quienes al sentir el traspaso de corriente por su cuerpo, rápidamente caen inhibidos.


INVESTIGATION: Mortal disolution

Durante las sesiones de esta semana realizamos diferentes problemas de disoluciones mortales, en las cuales pudimos observar diferentes hipotéticos casos presentes en la vida real, en particular a nuestro grupo se suministro un caso en el cual el conductor manejo ebrio un vehículo, determinando el grado de alcohol en su sangre, para ver si seria próximo en ir a la cárcel.
((fotos de química trabajo)

INVESTIGATION: Murder of Jonh Lenon

"Él (John Lennon) salió de su casa y esto es una parte que realmente lamento que haya sucedido. Él salió y yo tenía su álbum con una pluma y le pedí que me firmara el álbum. Se tomó su tiempo. Me preguntó si quería otra cosa. Su esposa había salido con él, estaba esperando en una limusina y eso es algo que a menudo reflexiono sobre cómo era tan decente con un extraño. Firmó el álbum y me lo devolvió, luego entró a la limusina", dijo Mark David Chapman.   Chapman se describe a si mismo de tener "una mente psicópata" y que el motivo principal de acabar con la vida de John Lennon fue porque él "quería ser famoso en todo el mundo por este asesinato".   "Esa es una verdadera mente psicópata: hacia el final, yo diría que la última hora o así, me hablé a mí mismo. Hice una oración pidiendo que por favor me ayudara a cambiar esto. No podía hacerlo. Estaba obsesionado con una cosa y que lo estaba haciendo para que yo pudiera ser alguien", finalizó.   Por novena ocasión, la comisión del tribunal rechazó la solicitud de libertada de Mark David Chapman alegando que su crimen sí fue premeditado con el afan de querer ser famoso.   No obstante, Chapman tendrá una nueva oportunidad en el 2018.


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